Portraits | Spissy

"SPISSY (Bloomington, IN) is the rare and obvious duo of Aaron Denton and Ben Lumsdaine. I say "obvious" because they fit together and compliment one another so well, their creative pairing seems almost inevitable. Aaron's ability to craft a delightful, memorable hook alongside Ben's penchant for arrangement, vibe, and skill makes Spissy an absolutely satisfying listen. "Rare", because what draws these two dudes together seems hard to find; a studious, almost aggressive, attraction and ambition toward moderation. That is to say, every piece of this record, even and especially the riskier bits, has been carefully considered and measured. Every synth sound and every rhythm is the right choice. Each unexpected turn and gratifying conclusion hits precisely the right spot. "
-Mike Adams

Created in collaboration with Aaron Denton Spissy's self-titled debut record out 03.18.16 LP Pre-order | store.jurassicpoprecords.com/p... Casette Pre-order | winspear.biz/store/spissy-spissy

Video created in collaboration with Aaron Denton

Spissy's self-titled debut record out 03.18.16
LP pre-order via Jurassic Pop
Casette pre-order via Winspear



I've had the pleasure of knowing Kel for nearly ten years and have truly enjoyed watching her grow as an individual and a songwriter.  Kel released her full length album "Skin and Bones" in 2013 just before moving to Nashville, Tennesse from Indianapolis.  She recently released her new EP "Nightfall" and you don't want to miss it.  I was thrilled to be able to work with her on this project.  So much time, love, and care went into the making of this EP and it is very evident when you listen to it.


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Her singles were released consecutively on Tuesdays for five weeks accompanied by music videos filmed by Blythe Thomas.



[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZBX-HmIeTw]

Fortress  |  Time Will Tell  |  Sleep  |  Nightfall

Kel EP ShootKel EP ShootKel EP ShootKel EP Shoot

Kel has two upcoming shows: a house show in Indianapolis, Indiana on November 8th and a show at Exit/In in Nashville, Tennessee on November 17th.  If you purchase a ticket for her show in Nashville you will be e-mailed her exclusive track "Chicago" not available for purchase anywhere else.